As the skin ages, there is a gradual loss in the collagen and elasticity of the skin which is responsible for the youthful glow. With the advancements in medical science, there are many types of aesthetic treatments and products that will aid us in restoring their youthful appearance. There is a wide range of these available in the market, but care should be taken about their effectiveness, adversity, and mistakes during the procedure. Dermal fillers have been used across the globe due to their ability to provide a stunning appearance. One such popular filler is Sculptra, which not only can rejuvenate the lost elastin and collagen to cover the aging symptoms, but it also treats the underlying cause. In this blog, we are going to talk about common Sculptra mistakes.
How Does Sculptra Work?
Sculptra is administered directly into the skin at precise levels by professional injectors. The main ingredient will be PLLA that is responsible for developing collagen to eliminate facial wrinkles and folds. There will be a more youthful outcome that will be immediate but complete results are visible only after a few days after the treatment. An experienced aesthetic doctor will design the exact number of fillers required to achieve the desired outcome. Usually, there will be a series of four injections that are spaced three weeks apart.
Procedure For Sculptra:
The initial consultation with the aesthetic expert is very crucial that will involve discussing your complete medical history, conditions, and any type of allergies. Once the treatment is designed, the doctor will start by mapping the injection sites on the skin and cleaning the area. If you are worried about any kind of discomfort or pain during the procedure, there will be an application of a topical anesthetic to help in easing them. The actual procedure of injections will begin with clear monitoring by the skin expert.
Common Sculptra Mistakes:
- One of the major mistakes when employing facial fillers is not evaluating the complete face. It is crucial to assess the complete face to achieve comprehensive results across all regions of the face. Our face is not just limited to the appearance that we see while observing in the mirror but also includes other angles. An experienced aesthetic expert will examine your face from all angles while creating a precise plan for the injection areas. It is important to give you a natural appearance while covering all the important aspects. Failing to do so may result in issues like underfilling or overfilling.
- As underfilling will not give the adequate result that was expected from the treatment, one more adverse effect will be a risk of overfilling. Without the appropriate knowledge and enthusiasm to fill the hollow cheeks, too much filler can lead to worse situations. Too many fillers can showcase a weird appearance as something artificial has been performed on the face. It is key for any aesthetic doctor to treat every patient according to his facial structure.
- Our facial appearance will showcase a glowing skin and face when we are young and gradually loses shape with age. Many aesthetic experts think that it is key to fill all the hollowness, wrinkles, etc by focussing on injections in the lower part of the face. This is not the correct way of administration and many create an adverse effect. Similar to overfilling the face at regions below the eye to eliminate dark circles, overfilling at the lower portion of the face may create an awkward appearance. This effort of lifting the face can lead to a masculine effect on the face developing a droopy effect that may also be irreversible until the effects of injections wear off.
- The anesthetic expert needs to know about the right amount of filler quantities to be administered for every individual. They must be able to carefully strategize a plan for each patient depending on various aspects like facial structure, skin type, and underlying issues like wrinkles, sagging skin, etc. Failure to do so may lead to many adverse effects that will not only annoy the patients but will be irreversible until the effects fade off.
- There may be an appearance of lumps or bumps that are caused due to bruises that have occurred beneath the filler. The best way to fix them is by asking the patient to wait for some days and if they are still visible you have to see the doctor. They will design a plan to eliminate the excess fillers to negate the bumps or lumps.
- Another mistake with any kind of dermal filler is an asymmetry of the face due to improper administration. Experts can fix the issue by adding or eliminating the extra filler with precise care and administration.
What May Be The Major Risks or Side Effects of Sculptra?
There will be some amount of bruising or swelling at the injection site along with pain, tenderness, bleeding, bumps, or itching at the injection region. The majority of them are directly related to the expertise of the therapist in analyzing the quantity, type, and way of administering the injection.
- Sculptra must not be employed if there are active skin sores, cysts acne, rashes, or any other types of inflammation in the skin.
- A cold pack or numbing cream must be applied to the skin after the procedure
- It must be tried on individuals with irregular scarring or allergy problems.
- Sculptra shouldn’t be used by people with a history of irregular scarring or anyone allergic to the
- You may massage the area as per the advice of your doctor.
- Refrain from being exposed to the bright sun until the fading of swelling and redness in the region.
- Avoid excessive sunlight or tanning beds until any redness and swelling have resolved.
Bottom Line:
If you are looking to get all the unparalleled benefits of Sculptra and eliminate your sagging skin issues, then contact a reliable aesthetic center like Indulge Aesthetics Medical Spa. They possess a highly qualified professional who takes care of your specific requirements while providing top-notch service that gives you accurate outcomes and avoids making those common Sculptra mistakes.